Featuring The Smart Sharks!
Jack Hammerhead!
Walter The Wobbegong!
And More Sharks Coming Soon!
New Story:  The Battle For Saturday!
Online Story World! Welcome!
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"Anti-Poem" by Jack Chance | "Beyond Desire" by Jason Crable | "Clipped November Sonnet" by Victor Wertz | "How Do You Quench Your Thirst?" by Meghan Wheatley | "Joshua's Blues" by Abraham Bedford | "Lightening Song" by Cheryl Tamber | "Foreign Languages" by Otis Medley | "Manpower Poem" by Ed1 |"New York Quarterly Villanelle" by Brenda "Mrs." Jones | "She Tore The Man Down" by Elizabeth Hedges | "Traiku" by Sako

Coming Soon